…And One for Good Measure

from:  http://kolczykizfabryki.pl/wyroby/galeria_04/album/blog-icon-for-websiteOK, OK, so I confess.

This is my second blog.  My other blog chronicled my artistic endeavors, and it was hosted by the other popular blog hosting site.  It’s still there, and actually I sold more pieces from my blog than from my Etsy site.


So here I thought I was all big and bad, gonna have this blog up and fancy in no time – flickr pictures, Feedjit widgets, and yes, a blogroll.

When I visit other blogs, I skim their post, rereading in detail if it’s interesting.  Then I look for their blogroll to see what they’re reading.  To me, it’s the 21st century equivalent of looking through the titles in someone’s bookcase while they’ve stepped out of the room – you can tell a lot about a person by what they read.  Disappointment sets in if there is no blogroll; it’s like they’re hiding something.  But, then, I haven’t had one on my blog until today, once I figured out how to configure one (three hours later!).  So maybe others don’t have one on their site because they, too, are techno-idiots technology immigrants.

I hope you will take a moment to look through my blogroll.  There are some excellent educators on there, all the way from educators obsessed with technology to teachers in the trenches chronicling their adventures in early childhood and differentiation.  There’s an education professor, a couple of principals (here and here too), an author/speaker, and Illinois’s 2011 Teacher of the Year, just to name a few.

Hopefully, by perusing my virtual bookshelf, you’ll gain some insight as to what kind of educator I am.

I initially posted fifteen of my favorites.  But just because I’m the generous sort, there’s one more for good measure – as of right now.
